Of all the great news and views from this past week, by far our favorite is the announcement of Brendan Picha (from Squareoak) joining the Collective Thoughts team (welcome aboard Brendan)… Beyond that we have funnies, tri-dimensional conversations and hyper-connectivity to keep the head spinning and the belly aching. Also new this week is Tim’s idea that we each pass along some thoughts for the week… we hope they find you well.
Enjoy your weekend!!
Brian’s picks
- I liked this interesting new real time social browsing
- Still on the fence about the new facebook
- Top underground sneezers
Thought for the week; It’s always amusing to see the criticism of social media. Funny thing is, it usually comes from people that proudly display a few flashy badges that link to their social accounts. Upon further inspection, the critics are barely using social media.
Tim’s picks
Thought for the week: Social Media is much like my leaky roofer, great when it’s sunny but totally useless in the rain…
Shana’s picks
The Key to Effective Viral Marketing is Emotional Engagement
- Are Your Stumbled Pages Sticky?
- Social Networking: Online Tridimensional Conversation
- Why Reputation Management Matters for Small Business
Thought for the week; Social Media can be very confusing and even intimidating for the Webmaster or Small Business Owner new to Web 2.0. My suggestion would be to start with one Social Networking site/activity and start to know the community. Once you have done that you will be amazed how helpful the Community will be.
Dave’s picks
New York Times Wants to Censor and Influence Bloggers?
- Hyperconnectivity shakes up six degrees of separation
- The Use of Fake Avatars In Social Media
- Sentiment analysis in social media
- The 10 Commandments of the Social Web
Thought for the week; I wanted to pass on the words of Chuang Tzu –
The purpose of a fish trap is to catch fish, and when the fish are caught, the trap is forgotten.
The purpose of a rabbit snare is to catch rabbits. When the rabbits are caught, the snare is forgotten.
The purpose of words is to convey ideas. When the ideas are grasped, the words are forgotten.
Where can I find a man who has forgotten words? He is the one I would like to talk to.
Brendan’s picks
Montauk Monster – Viral Content Get’s Scary
- Google SERP Flux Cycling
- 5 Simple Rules for Comment Seeding
- Diminishing values on outbound links
Thought for the week; It’s really, really easy to get caught-up in routine. Many end-up reading the same blogs, talking with the same people, watching the same news channels. From a creative and educational standpoint it’s very important to make breaking your routine a routine in and of itself. Try making unusual connections like how understanding the dynamics of an ant colony can help you understand social voting or if economic trends augment social behavior online. Inspiration for such thinking can come from reading a book you’d never pick up, watching a documentary you wouldn’t normally watch, or attending a lecture you’d never attend. Routine can have the ability to suck the life right out of you so make sure you get out there and embrace the unknown!
Mark’s Picks
Thought for the week; Expanding your social graph to include peers you would not normally meet in an offline world may offer pleasant results. I have expanded my networking from social connections made online to solidifying offline at various MeetUps and conferences. If you are in the Miami area this weekend I will be attending both Social Media Camp and the Mashable party.
Welcome on board Brendan.