What makes a company stand out from the rest? Is it their creativity, leadership, innovation, or perhaps all three? Apple has for sure gone over and above what many thought possible by becoming one of the top financial powerhouses of the new millennium. From iPhones to the ever classy iPad, Apple has gained a following that will not be satisfied with anything less than the newest hipster tools known to man. This following stretches beyond the U.S., with 55% of Apple’s sales generated from foreign countries. Now, that’s a lot of sales!
So what is it going to take to keep Apple the financial and technological giant that it is presently? The three major forces behind Apple’s success are laid out in this delightful infographic presented by California Phone Lookup. Do you think that Apple can keep on #winning? Check out the infographic below and let us know what you think.
Remember the last time he left. Then look at what the market is doing.