Could Online Gambling Be a Solution to the USA’s National Debt?

Political issues  are hot topics and are in front of mind for many, especially as we’re getting ready for the upcoming election.  With the economy falling short of expectations (to put it mildly) everyone seems to have an idea of what they think will help steer us in the right direction.

Generally, this type of infographic is packed full of hypotheses and theories that claim to be the holy grail to solving the problem that plagues us the most. They usually provide a common issue, in this case the national debt, and come up with a solution that steps outside the realm of traditional problem solving. Normally, the national debt is discussed as being alleviated by raising or lowering taxes. This particular infographic suggests a fresh alternative, postulating for us to take a look at how gambling, online or at the casino, can stand to fund the current economic crisis.

Focusing on the “jackpot” at hand can potentially pull you and the rest of our country out of debt – while still having fun and enjoying yourself.

Are your tax dollars going to waste? Think gambling revenue will help? Please let us know in the comments and make sure to check out the infographic below presented by

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